Sunday, October 7, 2012

What is a Naturopathic doctor?      Why see a Naturopathic doctor?
What can I expect in a Naturopathic visit? 

Naturopathic doctors offer a unique approach to health and wellness. ND’s diagnose illness and dis-ease using the same tools as MD’s, taking a patient history, performing physical exams, ordering lab tests, xrays, and other diagnostic tests.  However, the approach and methods of treatment are different. The focus is more on what will benefit this person and lead to better health, overcoming disease by enhancing an individual healing abilities and less focus on illness or disease.

 ND’s use food based nutrition, nutritional therapy, botanical medicine, homeopathy, naturopathic manipulative therapy, physical therapy, hydrotherapy, lifestyle and family counseling. Each naturopathic doctor may practice differently, all practice according to the Principles of Naturopathic Medicine:

1.     First do no harm- give nothing that will bring harm or add suffering

2.     Healing power of nature- the body and mind have inherent knowledge of how to heal and maintain homeostasis or balance

3.     Treat the whole person, body, mind, and spirit- we are an integration of these components, each interacting to allow us to LIVE the life we live, achieve our goals and dreams.

4.     Doctor as teacher- from the Greek word, ‘docere’, to teach, the role of the doctor is to educate people in health and well-being

5.     Remove any obstacle to cure- identify and remove that which is inhibiting the ability to be healthy, whether through modifying diet or environment or eliminating damaging habits

6.     Prevention as a deterrent to illness and disease

Naturopathic education is extensive, four year of undergraduate study followed by four years of medical training in an accredited naturopathic medical school. 2 years of study in the basic sciences, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, physical examination and diagnosis, and laboratory diagnosis.  The 3rd and 4th year of training includes extensive internships in both clinical and classroom settings and trains doctors in the natural therapeutics as well as gastroenterology, pediatrics, gerontology, women’s and men’s health, respiratory medicine, EENT, physical medicine, body mechanics, public health and more. Licensing regulation and scope of practice for ND’s varies state to state with about 15 states licensed to date. In Alaska, there are about ?? Naturopathic doctors practicing with an active state association, Alaska Association of Naturopathic Physician, INC, (AkANP). The AkANP is dedicated to the preservation of quality naturopathic medicine for all Alaskans.

Naturopathic doctors are trained as the specialists in alternative therapies. They will guide and assist you in achieving personal health goals and creating wellness. Many people will see both a naturopathic doctor and a conventional medical doctor to provide the best collaborative approach to health.

Joanie Kirk ND 746-5475 for more information or to make an appointment.

Joanie Kirk ND is a Naturopathic Doctor in practice in Palmer, Glennallen and Anhchorage. She has been practicing for 20 years.  She offers classes on naturopathic medicine, homeopathy and detoxification.

Matanuska Glacier

Matanuska Glacier. View from a few miles from home.